Thursday, September 9, 2010

My 2010 Summer Vacations

This past summer has been probably the shortest of all my life. That's how it seemed. I mean, when I realized I was already approaching my last school year I had to try to enjoy my time. To do this I began my vacations with a basketball camp near the ski station of Baqueira where I improved my skills and had a good time with some new friends I made.

Later on in the summer I had some relax time in my house after the exhausting New York trip and the basket camp. When I had my energy back, and my parents got vacations, we went to Santander with all of my family I usually don't see because of the great distances that separate us. Last but not least I moved to Biarritz with some friends and enjoyed the waves and the beach.

In general I enjoyed my break time and had time to practice my hobbies with all the time of the world in my hands. I had spare time to play tennis, ping pong, padel and even have energy to go out. Even though I had fun I really missed some more days of relax to assimilate the change of rutine that school provokes.

Even though, I think I enjoyed my vacations and disconnected from the school rutine. Maybe I disconnected too much as I have forgotten all about my subjects. This is a real pitty because it makes me give more of me in the first days of school and really makes me ansious. I know this is not interesting but I'm trying desperetly to get some world written and my grade up in technology. I hope my effort has some recognition and my bad start in my technology class gets solved with this piece of fine writing. Just in case this is not enough I will also tell you that this summer was very emotionant because Real Madrid made some new incorporations and the most important, Jose Mourihno, is a great coach that will surely bring trophies to Real Madrid's vitrines!

This was all I did out of Bilbao and enjoyed my stays everywhere I went....

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